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Sunday, March 22, 2009

G20 Summit Won't Halt Econ Downturn - UK Foreign Office Min

LONDON (AFP)--U.K. Foreign Office Minister Mark Malloch-Brown on Sunday played down hopes for next month's Group of 20 developed and developing nations summit in London, saying the downturn "is not going to stop on April 2." Malloch-Brown added that the summit "may not be the moment" when countries announce a fresh stimulus package. In the run-up to the meeting of world leaders, there have been disagreements between the U.S., which wants such a move, and European countries like France and Germany, which are opposed to it. "We are in the midst of a dramatic destruction of global wealth which is not going to stop on April 2," Malloch-Brown told BBC television. "The downward momentum is going to take us way beyond that." He was also asked whether there would be an announcement on an additional, co-ordinated financial boost at the summit. "A lot has been done, a lot is underway, April 2 may not be the moment where countries think it's right to add more to the global (amount)," he said. "There's going to be an announcement of global money but it's not necessarily around the major economies' national boost because we're kind of in mid-course on that". This was an apparent reference to an agreement at a G20 finance ministers' meeting earlier this month to boost International Monetary Fund resources "very substantially." Malloch-Brown said that in the wake of that meeting, the nations involved were close to reaching agreement on a course of future action. "Where we probably 75, 80% of the way there but this last 10 days is very critical," he said. "(There is) a last flurry of effort to get this from good to, we hope, excellent in terms of an's hard but not impossible." The G20 summit unites leaders from major developed and emerging economies including the U.S., Japan, China, rich European nations, Mexico, South Korea and Saudi Arabia.

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